Radiation safety of Bulgaria in the contemporary international situation
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"Vasil Levski" Military University, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, Department “IPA”
Online publication date: 2016-12-30
Publication date: 2016-12-30
Security and Defence Quarterly 2016;13(4):3-14
It is known that everything on our planet is subjected to constant exposure from the natural and anthropogenic, earth and space SIR, and is situated in conditions created by natural and technical radioactive Backlight. The ionizing radiations accompany planet life in its different manifestations of all phases of the evolution. The National Automated System for continuous monitoring of the radiation background has 26 local monitoring stations (LMS) covering the whole country, with greater density around NPP ‘Kozloduy’. Radiometric measurements in real conditions, sampling, and analysis are carried out by the Executive Environment Agency (EEA) at the MoEW and radiological control laboratories. A special place in radiation safety is taken by timely detection of radioactive waste and materials that appear in one way or another in the environment.
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