Critical infrastructure security in Poland and the surrounding area. Legislation analysis
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Silesian School of Economics and Languages in Katowice, Poland
Publication date: 2014-03-31
Security and Defence Quarterly 2014;2(1):155-172
The Critical Management Act creates a legal basis for dealing with critical infrastructure. It contains the following definition: critical infrastructure includes systems and functional objects which are connected with each other, including: buildings, devices, systems, key services for a country and its citizens’ security and other systems and objects which deal with ensuring efficient functioning of public administration bodies as well as institutions and enterprises. At national level, the protection of critical infrastructure is coordinated by the Government Centre for Security. In accordance with the critical management act, which is in effect at present, the legislator defines that critical infrastructure is created by systems and consists of functional objects connected with each other: buildings, devices, systems, key services for a country’s security and its citizens’ security and other objects and services which deal with ensuring efficient functioning of public administration bodies as well as institutions and enterprises The article contains an enumeration of the systems which are included in critical infrastructure.
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