Scientific Information in the didactics of National Defence University
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National Defence University, Warsaw, Poland
Publication date: 2014-03-31
Security and Defence Quarterly 2014;2(1):90-107
Recently we have been witnesses to the creation of information society. Knowledge is becoming the most important value of the contemporary civilization. Scientific Information Centres and libraries equip their collections with new carriers of information. The changes observed in libraries in recent years have resulted in the development of information search skills of library users. The advancement of IT gave the users new possibilities of information gaining. The most important task of NDU’s Library – beyond the traditional duties connected with gathering, preparation and providing sources of information – is the assurance of direct network access to information through systems and computer networks. The development of Information Technology is still giving new information retrieval possibilities which allow fast searching of the library computer catalogues gathering information about the collection. It also results in easier access to the resources of the Internet as well as access to source and factual information at the oreat speed.
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