Cooperation of military educational institutions as a tool for developing regional security and confidence
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National Defence University, Warsaw, Poland
Publication date: 2014-03-31
Security and Defence Quarterly 2014;2(1):79-89
The paper deals with issues related to security and defence as seen from the perspective of the role played by military education. The essence of the new security environment realm and new threats for security are described. The importance of military educational institutions is underlined. In this context, observations and reflections on education and training based on NDU Warsaw’s experiences are offered. There are four leading issues mentioned. The first one is the approach to military education, the second one is the curricula, the third one is research and the lessons learned, and the fourth one is to share the experiences of an activity aimed at forging strategic trust. Finally, the author puts forward suggestions on how to strengthen educational cooperation in the Europe and Asia-Pacific region.
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