Possibilities of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland using unmanned aircraft systems
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National Defence University, Warsaw, Poland
Publication date: 2014-09-30
Security and Defence Quarterly 2014;4(3):120-135
The use of unmanned aircraft systems by the armed forces is currently an area of interest to many foreign and domestic experts, mainly due to the characteristics and properties of these systems. Amorphous battlefields, as well as dynamism, where efforts force the need for combat measures which are capable of carrying out the highest risk missions, are limiting the risk of losing personnel in manned aircraft. Due to the fact that the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland are involved in several operations outside the country, and the fact that a modern and strong army must also consist of modern armed forces, there seems to be a desire to acquire the latest technological achievements – unmanned aircraft systems. This publication discusses the possibility of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland. using unmanned aircraft systems.
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