Special Issue: Call for papers
The world is changing dynamically – but is it at a crossroads? The answer is affirmative based on the evidence from events currently taking place: emerging new economic and technological powers and the growing climate crisis. Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly changed the strategic security environment of states and other entities on the international scene. The pandemic poses a multidimensional challenge for Europe, which has already experienced a wave of migration, an increase in separatist sentiment, a global deterioration in trade conditions, a new arms race, and the international community's uncertainty about Brexit. On a global scale, another global economic crisis is forecast along with further fluctuations in oil prices, climate change and possible terrorist attacks, with the pandemic on top of all that. Can a precise diagnosis of contemporary events be made? Can an accurate prognosis be made, especially in the field of state and international security in areas that are significant from the point of view of state power, state sovereignty and raison d’etat? These problems delineate the thematic scope of this Special Issue of Security and Defence Quarterly.
We invite you to submit articles which are devoted to the following topics:
• Prognosis:
o Technologies and warfare in the future;
o Consequences of the COVID 19 pandemic for states;
o Global forecast – where is the world heading to;
o Realistic scenarios of potential future conflicts;
o The direction in which the technological development of countries is heading;
o The future of the European Union and NATO;
o Threats to humanity in the 21st century;
o Global problems of the modern world and their impact on the domestic situation of countries;
o The international dimension of economic, political, socio-cultural, environmental, and military security;
o Future wars.
• Challenges:
o Challenges for state governance;
o Challenges for contemporary international organisations (the EU, NATO, and others);
o Energy security;
o Environmental security;
o Cultural changes in contemporary societies;
o Economic conditions in the face of social expectations and dwindling resources;
o Trade wars and emerging economic powers;
o Global threats to the modern economy – the dynamics of crises;
o Social polarisation and populism.
Manuscript length should be between 5000 and 8000 words, including an abstract, references, and tables; it should be formatted and submitted per the standard policies and procedures of the Security & Defence Quarterly:
Deadline: 30 June 2021.
Guest Editors:
Julian Richards, University of Buckingham, United Kingdom
Halina Świeboda, War Studies University, Poland
Marta Gębska, War Studies University, Poland
Published papers: Volume 37 Issue 1, 2022 (Part A)
Table of Contents