On the theoretical and terminological premises for researching peace operations
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General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic
Armed Forces Academy of General M. R. Štefánik
Publication date: 2014-03-31
Security and Defence Quarterly 2014;2(1):24-44
The high dynamics of the changes in the security environment, deepening globalisation, and the growth of current and new, predominantly asymmetric, threats make permanent new demands on international society and require new more complex approaches towards the issue. One of the most significant tools the international community has for keeping peace and security on an international level, restraining centres of tension, consolidating or stabilising relations in crisis areas, and multilateral reconstruction and restoration of countries after armed conflicts, is represented by peace operations within international crisis management. Peace operations have changed a lot throughout the last fifty years, and today, unlike in the past, they represent highly complex, dynamic, demanding and multidimensional activities. Therefore, the main aim of the authors is to point out the significance of a theoretical and terminological basis for research in the field of peace operations.
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